Belgrade Art Studio Residency

Mariella Kerscher

Online Residency 2021


1991 in Augsburg, Germany
2010 – 2017 Akademie der Bildenden Künste Munich, Germany (AdbK)
lives and works in Munich, Germany


27. Aichacher Kunstpreis, SanDepot-Halle, Aichach
„Widerstand“ Blick Fang, Kunsthaus Kaufbeuren
„Verflechtungen“ Schäfer – Kunstpreis, Kunstverein Schwabmünchen
„Aus der Strömung IV“, Kunst Block Balve, München
26. Aichaicher Kunstpreis, SanDepot-Halle, Aichach
71. Große Schwäbische Kunstausstellung, Glaspalast, Augsburg
„Nur mit uns“ BBK Mitgliederausstellung, Galerie der Künstler, München
70. Große Schwäbische Kunstausstellung, Schaetzlerpalais, Augsburg
Alpengedöns, Villa Jauss, Oberstdorf
33. Schwäbische Grafikausstellung, Senden
Kult-Kunst, Krumbach
69. Große Schwäbische Kunstausstellung, Schaezlerpalais, Augsburg
Billboard by Student Art Collective, Akademie Galerie, München
Jahresausstellung der Akademie der Bildenden Künste München
Notel, Gruppenausstellung im ehemaligen Hotel Prinzregent München
Rein & Raus, Jahresausstellung der Akademie der Bildenden Künste München, Klasse Hien
ZentRal 6039 Alter Botanischer Garten München, Ausstellung der Klasse Hien
Plauen Nachwuchswettbewerb für Handzeichnungen, Gruppenausstellung in der Galerie im Malzhaus Plauen


2020 Scholarship Fine Arts, Augsburg

Artist statement

In the kardia and origin series i work with real organs, which i dissect and photograph. I am fascinated by the structures, the tissue that belongs to something that first lives and works in the body, then also decays and changes its shape and color. I find the placenta as an organ particularly exciting because it is only created by the body in order to enable new life and it is repelled immediately after its purpose and left to decompose outside the body. An infinite cycle forms: grow, mutate, die, grow. Above all, I am interested in transitoriness and time (e.g. preservation and freezing). What is left of the vanitas still life of the Christian West? Which iconographic codes and symbols are still stuck in the collective memory? And what can a contemporary still life by a female artist look like, times in which women are supposedly on the verge of equality and patriarchy is crumbling?
The „Zeichnungen“ are created at the same time. I mainly work with photographs that I take in everyday life or when i´m traveling. The photographs serve as a template and are reassembled. I use rooms that always awaken associations or open up stories to create perspectives, but the rooms should be alienated so that a clear narration is prevented. I‘m interested in the staging of the enigmatic, the transience, which is also often visible in the architectural (between nature and culture).
