Belgrade Art Studio Residency

Raynar Rogers

Online Residency 2023



(Charlotte Raynar Rogers)
Lives and works in Taipei, Taiwan
Open to relocate globally for the right partnership

Emerging interdisciplinary artist, combining the written form and abstract visual forms, such as mixed-media painting and in some cases performance. Committed to expressing all emotions, asking questions and freeing us up in preparation for the important conversations.


Artist Statement

My art is a reminder to the world that societal and structural confines are humanmade, and that we have the power to critique and potentially change anything we create, including our laws, our systems of labour and our ideas about identity. As children, we enter the world with a raw perspective and a sense of curiosity, our creative palette is at its peak because we are not yet imprisoned to preconceived rules and ideas. I explore visually what it means to return back to a state of childlike exploration and openness to problem-solving, through representing the limitations we’ve created within our world, our communities, and within ourselves, and I explore the realm of possibilities we have as young people and adults to create changes where needed.

Reaching out of those boxes addresses the seemingly never-ending loops that humans become accustomed to; loops that limit us to exhaustion, wealth gaps and homelessness through systems of labour conditions and the economy, loops that limit us to pre-chosen identities through role narratives such as motherhood and masculinity. In exploring the human experience, it is difficult to find a case study in which one has not been subjected to perspective-altering confines, as is the shape of the world we’ve created. Structures and rules aren’t inherently wrong or right, but in helping audiences achieve some freedom gained from adapting their limiting beliefs and engaging more critically in the world around us we offer a space for conversation that considers more voices, more ideas and most importantly, the understanding that anything created is changeable.

In keeping with this ideology, it is important to me that I enter on a journey of discovering what has held me captive in my own limited beliefs and opportunities. I choose to take an interdisciplinary approach that combines poetry, painting and mixed-media to communicate
these abstractions. My forms of expression closely mimic the patterns in which I work; in learning to work with my ADHD instead of against it, I paint when I can no longer express through words and I use words when painting de-focuses me. This opens my artistic pursuits to a place that is free and unburdened by the limitations of a neurotypical structure. I believe that art is created as much by the experiences and conversations of audiences as it is by the artist. This is a journey I wish to join in collaboration with other artists and art audiences

