Belgrade Art Studio Residency

Trudy Boos Catalonia

Year of Residency: 2022

Bio and Statement

Trudy was born in Haarlem, in a family with a brother and a sister, a journalist as a father and a yoga teacher as a mother. From an early age she has been creative, from painting, working with wood, making clothes, sculpting. She received her first lessons from her parents and a primary school teacher, himself an artist. Curiosity for the world, the human condition, is her motivation and inspiration. And Eastern Europe specifically. In 1978 she came for the first time to Eastern Germany and Poland. After that she often went back.

The choice to do a master’s degree in political science and international relations was a logical one. In Amsterdam, in England and Israel. Supplemented with a business administration. Art lessons and making art always ran in parallel. As a journalist, researcher, she worked in the Netherlands, later in Romania. At the same time, she had an interior design shop in the center of Bucharest and took art classes.
Since living in Catalonia, the emphasis has been on art. And also the effect of art on the soul. Because she has experience with art therapy herself, she decided to pursue a postgraduate degree in art therapy in 2013.

Inspiration for her art comes from the environment, in a broad sense. The current world scene, and also the long walks in nature, the mountains, where she does not meet anyone. Where there is absolute silence.
During her stay in Belgrade she’ll let herself be inspired by the city, and by what is going on in Europe in this turbulent time in which we live. In what form has not yet been decided. It will only become apparent when she is there.
